Ok, so sleeping in the bed vs sleeping on the recliner in the living room. As long as I am on the pain medicine, I almost find it easier to sleep in the recliner. It's about an hour process to get my pain medicine, a fresh glass of ice, something to eat, and then taking the time to actually eat whatever it was. And I do that while watching infomercials. The closer to the kitchen, the better! I did sleep in bed the past 2 nights, but I think everyone is sick of me taking over the living room!
So on day 7 I took one dose of extra strength acetaminophen instead of Lortab. That worked very well, but I was afraid to do it during the night and in the morning because those seem to be my most uncomfortable times. And night 6 and the morning of day 7, along with day 7 evening and day 8 morning were by far my most uncomfortable. I would say the morning of day 8 was my most uncomfortable. I was having trouble getting the morning pain under control. I took my Lortab and was eating it with toast and eggs. The sharp pain in my throat and left ear sent me to the couch with an ice pack and some tea. I gradually felt better, but I would say that may have been the peak point of pain for me. Still not in tears, but a little more painful than I experienced the other days.
When it was time for my next dose of pain medicine I took the extra strength acetaminophen and that lasted 7 hours. I took a half dose right before eating pizza for dinner. The pizza was good, went down easy, and I wasn't the last one at the table for an additional 30-45 minutes trying to get a full stomach. It was Heaven! I only took a 1/2 dose of the acetaminophen so that I could take a full dose before bed. I would love to sleep through the night going into day 9!
I tried to look in my throat tonight and wish I hadn't. Gross! And my Uvula (the punching bag thing) looks really swollen and looks like it's down as far as my tongue. I think that's why I sound funny when I talk. I still sound like I have phlegm in my throat. However, I was able to brush ALL of my teeth. I am still very careful when I get back towards the molars.
We'll see how night 8 goes, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I have turned the corner!
Big lesson learned today - Take the pain medicine before eating, that way you can eat real food without too much discomfort. I started solid foods on day one... and could be one of the rare people that didn't lose weight (or maybe I even gained)!
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