There is still not much new to report. I am trying to spread my pain meds further apart, so the first half of the day I went 5 hours in between instead of 4. The second part of the day I was going to do the same thing but I accidentally made it to 6 hours! I started eating and noticed that my throat was hurting, but before that it felt great.
I also noticed a little scab when I spit in the sink today, but that was pretty anti-climactic. I thought I would be more excited than I was. For me, this whole process is more about length of recovery rather than the pain associated with it. I am ready to get back into the swing of daily living. Although laying around in my pajamas all day has been quite nice! My mom went home for the weekend, and my husband always needs to be doing something, which means the kids usually find me faster (especially if he's out running errands). I got myself cleaned up, did some things around the kitchen and made lunch. That's the most I've done all week, and I was wiped out! I layed down and took a nap while he took the kids out.
I've still been sleeping on the recliner in our living room, but tonight I am going to attempt sleeping in my bed for at least 1/2 of the night. I will report in tomorrow to let you know how that goes. It will be my first time using a humidifier through this whole ordeal. When I woke up this morning I noticed I had been sleeping with my mouth open. Ugh, can we say dry mouth!?!? Maybe the humidifier will help with that if I happen to do it in my sleep tonight.
So days 1 and 2 were the most uncomfortable for me, and days 3-6 have been a little uncomfortable with some associated pain when medicine is wearing off. I still research every day to find out what may be in store for me the following day (or 2). I usually read through all sorts of reader comments on I'm sure if you've found my website, surely you've come across Greg's already! With so many people that have gone through this or are going through it, you would think there would be tshirts available saying 'I survived an adult tonsillectomy'! Hmmmm, what other sayings could we come up with for this experience?!
Big lesson learned today - Nothing compares to Sonic ice! My sweet husband ran out and got some for me today!
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