Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 2

Beautiful flowers sent from my In-Laws!

Today I begin what I consider to be a pretty heavy duty drug regimen.  Steroid in the morning, Antibiotic 3 times a day, along with my pain medicine.  I will tell you that I DO NOT like to take prescription medicine.  I always prefer to go a more natural route to recovery.  This time however, I am doing as the doctor ordered.  Besides, I'm hoping that these medicines will help to get rid of the mucous.  Yes, it is still there! 

Today my mom and my husband both had to call the Dr.'s office to get an answer for me.  The Lortab is not doing what I thought it would do.  By the time it starts working, I may nap for a little bit, but the medicine starts to wear off and I'm watching the clock to see when I can take another dose.  Their answer... Take a full dose (1 tsp) every 4 hours.  Done, I'll try it!  What a difference that made in allowing me to get some sleep!  The Dr.'s office also said I could take Ibuprofen in between... wait... huh?  Take something that could thin the blood?  No thanks, I'll pass.  Since the full dose usually wore off around the 4 hour mark, I figured I could handle it and not need to worry about taking Ibuprofen. 

These first 2 days for me seemed to be opposite of what most people say.  I read a lot of people thinking days 1 & 2 were the easiest.  I thought they were pretty tough.  The discomfort of the mucous, the pain at the surgery site, and the realization that this is how things were going to be for a few weeks.  Not a fun first 2 days.  One thing I do remember reading about but for some reason I didn't think it would happen to me... liquids going up the nose.  I could only eat ice chips today to stay hydrated because even drinking my medicine was proving to be a challenge.  This is going to take some experimenting and practice. 

It did not take long for me to get tired of eating jello and Popsicles.  Today I had a little bit of a waffle, some mac and cheese and potato broccoli bites.  When I was doing my own research, I read about quite a few people from the UK being encouraged to eat as normal to try and 'slough' away some of the scabbing.  I liked this school of thought and figured if I can eat, I will.  Besides, I don't do well when I don't eat.  Around our house we call it 'hangry'.  Being angry because you're hungry!  Food tastes SOOOO good!

I did not talk AT ALL today, and writing everything down is getting very old.  My dad came for a visit this evening, but I was not good company.  Not a big deal because he understood, but I just felt blah.  I didn't nap during my last dose of medicine and I think that's why.  Nap when you can!  For some reason I was looking forward to catching up on some shows that I had missed and was ready to get another night of sleep (or lack of) behind me.  So when my mom and my husband were ready to call it a night, I was too! 

The big lesson learned today - liquids may go up your nose instead of down your throat!

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