Friday, April 5, 2013

Days 4 & 5

I am combining these 2 days together because really there has been no change.  For me, days 4 and 5 are about the same as day 3.  As long as I keep up with my medicine I am fine.  Really, the mornings are the worst.  And when I say worst, it's really not that bad.  Even though I am keeping up with my pain medicine throughout the night, I still have discomfort in the morning until I can get a fresh dose of Lortab and some ice chips.  I'm thinking the morning discomfort is a combination of not staying very well hydrated all night and needing my steroid medicine in the morning.  During the night I stay awake for about an hour after I take my medicine during this time I eat something and chew on ice chips.  Then I go to sleep for about 2-3 hours, but this is when my throat must get dried out.  I am making a conscious effort to keep my mouth closed while I sleep though.

The one thing that threw me off was snoring!  I have never been a snorer ~ UNTIL NOW!  One of my morning naps was pretty much continuously interrupted by my constant snoring.  I kept waking myself up!  I think it goes back to the mucous/phlegm build up.  Last night I don't remember snoring, so I'm pretty confident it's just a temporary thing and part of the recovery.  I sure hope it's temporary, or I may find myself sleeping on the couch more often (but not by choice). 

Today my mom made me a scrambled egg and a piece of toast.  Let me tell you.. it was delicious!  I think that's what I will have for  dinner tonight too.  I even ate the crust of the toast.  Some people may think I'm crazy, but I really am taking such small bites and chewing it really well.  It's soft by the time I swallow it. 

Be careful when using your voice.  Maybe you won't need to worry about this if you don't have kids.  Yesterday I needed to raise my voice (as much as one can in a froggy tone) and felt like I really strained it.  So I put myself on voice rest the remainder of the day yesterday.  Today I'm back to talking and I sound about the same.

I'm hesitant to say this because I don't want to jinx myself.  I am glad I had the surgery.  If this is the worst that I will feel during the recovery, I'm good with that.  Days 1 and 2 were the worst for me, and even they weren't 'I'm in tears' sort of days.  The only time I got tears was when the nurse told me I looked nervous before I was even put to sleep!  For those of you out there that are scared, or questioning whether or not to proceed with the surgery, I say go for it.  Don't let the horror stories get to you.  Like everyone says, stay well hydrated and keep up with your pain medicine.  Also, the steroid and antibiotic may have been helpful for me too.  I'm figuring maybe another week of this for a lifetime of no tonsil stones... well worth it!

The big lesson learned today - You may become a snorer (is that even a word) during your recovery!

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