Mentally preparing by doing tons of research on the internet (who doesn’t do that)! I have read so many horror stories that it makes me want to cancel the procedure. I then decided if I was going to surf the net for advice, comfort and whatever else I was trying to gain, I needed to look specifically for positive tonsillectomy experiences. Even when I found a positive experience there was always a post in the comments about how awful the experience is. So, here I am with an enormous amount of fear about the recovery, with a small glimmer of hope that I will be one of the lucky patients that can say ‘yes it hurt, but not much more than a sore throat’. Hmmm, I wonder which category I will be in!
Physically preparing by shopping, shopping, shopping. I bought popsicles, jello, pudding, frozen fruit and protein powder for smoothies, ice packs, popsicle molds, liquid tylenol, aloe vera juice, soup,
My mom will be staying with me during the week to take care of the kids (5 & 6), and she will go home on the weekends while my husband is home from work. These last few days will be spent cleaning the house, getting instructions together for my mom since she’ll need driving directions and such, making and freezing muffins and pancakes, making a medication chart to document when each was taken, deciding if I want to make the trip to Sonic to buy the ice I’ve read so much about, and getting ready for Easter.
My surgery is scheduled for Monday morning, and as long as I don’t whimp out before that, I will try to post my daily experiences.